A woman is holding the hand of an older man.


When your loved one no longer has the capacity to make decisions required to appropriately manage their personal or financial needs, and there are no documents in place to indicate who should, seeking court intervention by way of a Guardianship proceeding is often the best way to ensure the safety and of that individual. 

The Guardianship court is also an effective tool when you fear that an elderly or incapacitated person is being taken advantage of financially or being mistreated. 

The court acts in an expedited manner in these cases to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the elder vulnerable population.

Navigating the court system can be overwhelming, we are here to take you through the process. We rely on our extensive experience of serving as Guardian, Court Evaluator and Counsel to Incapacitated persons to represent families seeking Guardianship over a loved one with compassion and zealous advocacy.

Frequently Asked Guardianship Questions

  • What is a guardianship?

    Guardianship refers to a court proceeding to have a person appointed to manage the person and/or financial matters of another person. 

  • When is a guardianship necessary?

    If the person for whom guardianship is sought is disabled, incapacitated or underage, a guardian will likely be necessary.

  • What are the responsibilities of a guardian?

    Guardians are responsible to manage the affairs of the Ward. This can include handling their financial matters, or ensuring that their health and safety needs are being addressed and that they are being properly cared for. 

  • Can a guardian be removed?

    Yes; if a guardian is violating their fiduciary obligations, they can be removed.

  • How can an elder law attorney help with a guardianship case?

    Yes; Elder Law attorneys are familiar with the different types of guardianship and can help you navigate which proceeding best fits your needs. 

Schedule a consultation now and learn more about how 

The Law Office of Robin Burner Daleo, PLLC 

can guide you through your Guardianship case today!


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